Saturday, May 31, 2008

In 2 weeks...

In the last two weeks, things have been busy!

We finished the grill and took a trip!

We visited the Texas state capital in Austin...

We also happened to be at the University of Texas on Commencement Day and visited with the longhorn.

We made Indian food!

And it was delicious.

There you have it! More posts to come...
And check out the wedding pictures at:

They are all up (all 499 of them!)

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

A few wedding pictures have begun floating in from Piper, our photographer. I'm beginning to post some online at my web album, so take a look:

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Even thought I'm married...

the homework still continues. I have a first draft of a 12 page research paper due on Monday, so hopefully next week I will get some pictures up of our house. I want to go to Salado, Texas tomorrow, so I have to get the paper done today!

Monday, May 5, 2008

The newest Yoke in front of Yoke's Fresh Market.

The First Post...

It took a while, but I finally decided that it was, indeed, time to start blogging. After a certain haughtiness that I possessed about others who blog, I realized that it is actually okay for me to blog. I live far away now, in the forsaken land of Texas, and I wanted to keep people updated on things in my life, with the house, and with Ryan. It really isn't practical to think that I will update a billion photo albums to facebook, so I can just put them here. Plus, you will get commentary from me! What more do you need in life? :)

Oh and for an explanation about the title of our blog, click here:
Since we are the new Yoke's, we thought it was most appropriate.